Cathor NFTs
Cathor Coin NFT Releases
Cathor NFTs from mint are periodically available as special releases from Cathor, and may be purchased in HTR and/or CTHOR depending on the release. Cathor also creates special NFTs for community rewards, airdrops, and other special events. Cathor NFT details, including a brief summary of mint information and NFT token strings, are provided below. The details for any future Cathor NFT mints will be added shortly after NFT reveals.

NFT Token Strings and Registration
Custom tokens must currently be manually registered in your Hathor wallet. To register a token, you can scan the QR code or add the token string. Use the full string, with brackets included. Once registered, the NFT token will be visible in your Hathor wallet and can be transacted like any other custom token. The official strings for Cathor NFTs released to date are provided below for easy reference.
Note: Although the updated Hathor desktop wallet and public explorer both support NFT previews, the process requires a post-mint manual review by the Hathor team. There may be delays in this process due to the volume of requests. Third-party explorers can be used to view NFTs in the interim. On mint, the default will be a standard custom token, the unit value will show as 0.01 (Hathor’s non-divisible unit), and no image/video preview will be available. After review and approval, the NFT unit value will automatically convert to 1 in the desktop wallet and the previews will become available. Please ask for help in the Cathor community telegram if assistance is required with registration or other difficulties.
Aftermarket NFT Trading
Cathor NFTs can be sold and/or purchased through the Hathor Network’s NFT platforms, including NileSwap. Always check the authenticity of any aftermarket NFT before purchase. Use the string/UID for verification, not just a name or image. Token names are not unique identifiers. DYOR on platforms, check marketplace verifications, engage in private sales using trusted escrows, and transact with care.
Cathor Collaborations
For information on NFTs created in another project as a Cathor collaboration or as an honourary addition to another collection, please refer to that project’s resources for details and token strings. Follow the Cathor socials for the latest news on any NFT collaborations or other special honouraries with Cathor features or traits. Want to work with Cathor on a collaboration or feature? Reach out to the team to discuss your ideas.
Cathor’s First Christmas Gingerbread NFTs
The Gingerbread NFT series was Cathor’s first NFT-for-NFT blend, in celebration of Cathor’s first Christmas. Collected CGIN1 NFTs could be redeemed by a deadline to melt, blend, and build a special Cathor Christmas NFT. The resulting NFTs were later revealed as CGIN2, CGIN3, CGIN4, and CGIN5. CGIN6 and CGIN7 were released as a matching holiday airdrop exclusively to Diamond Paws NFT holders as a surprise purrk.
- First Edition (Lists): CGIN1 - 630 (175 currently remain unmelted)
- Second Edition (Blends): 20 CGIN2 / 10 CGIN3 / 20 CGIN4 / 5 CGIN5
- Third Edition (Purrks): 30 CGIN6 / 10 CGIN7
- Release: December 2021
- Price: Free collection and rewards for community members
- Explorer: See strings below
Unique configuration strings:
[Cathor Gingerbread List:CGIN1:000000001bc75d22c1f56fd732a69121e7612a8cc7ff70896e099fbabf796810:9eea17c9]
Hathor Explorer -
[Cathor Gingerbread House:CGIN2:00002d3969f4aa4109cb31f60ce2babd5ab10d9346a006dbb5dc406b4be7a403:7abb1202]
Hathor Explorer -
[Cathor Gingerbread House S:CGIN3:00003b37b3cc1cc314c43b56ca35498a261dbea9ee60eeb4c5a5c32c7bcac980:25099d47]
Hathor Explorer -
[Cathor Gingerbread Xmas:CGIN4:0000273a4f9487c916938594a9387095c9db9da894e87809a93232e1ec421a38]
Hathor Explorer -
[Cathor Gingerbread Xmas S:CGIN5:00001d7fd2e9f09c46d664cd7dc1570bd3a996cbe6a0caf050cc3f12a34bc17e:7e6511da]
Hathor Explorer -
[Cathor Gingerbread Coin:CGIN6:0000414b367ab21ae6f6f0c57726d0e581d1de45376ac108e6532870f6c4541a:4093c815]
Hathor Explorer -
[Cathor Gingerbread Coin S:CGIN7:00000e49a72bed6b182b130b84e604b047c368f2ad76a28f2403c006d466f3d8:6f4846cf]
Hathor Explorer
Cathor’s Angel NFT
- Edition: 30 Pieces
- Release: December 2021
- Price: Special award for exceptional community service
- Explorer: See string below
Unique configuration string:
[Cathor's Angels:ANGLS:000029cdf2a5ac19651775a263e346e296bdb0f9a26ee14526d3b1a8f22aaf4a:ef24f079]
Hathor Explorer

Cathor Diamond Paws VIC
- Edition: 15 Pieces
- Release: December 2021
- Price: Exclusive airdrop to Diamond Paws full set holders
- Explorer: See string below
Unique configuration string:
[Cathor Diamond Paws VIC:PAWSX:00000000332f92b861efe367a411b097f6af65ed831fd75c783f4c4252970f6f:df15346a]
Hathor Explorer

Cathor Diamond Paw Utility NFTs
- Edition: 100 Emerald / 80 Ruby / 50 Sapphire / 25 Diamond
- Release: November 2021
- Price: 5 Emerald / 10 Ruby / 25 Sapphire / 50 Diamond ($CTHOR)
- Explorer: See strings below
Unique configuration strings:
[Cathor Diamond Paws:PAWS1:0000057f692fac8498f63c520589bfa6deb8f2cbba75d5d3d160f389a117aed9:c0bdc5bf]
Hathor Explorer -
[Cathor Diamond Paws II:PAWS2:0000445250dce705110f3f6fcc066cb6e653e1844b96c1a66166cdb376a34528:6fb2be31]
Hathor Explorer -
[Cathor Diamond Paws III:PAWS3:00003e1095c0dddf1a633b9fb1bb109d7c1e637e01162a8bc57a5bdf459c8e7b:db163a28]
Hathor Explorer -
[Cathor Diamond Paws IV:PAWS4:00003c000cc24978252cac03ab66fab2fef04b016e05c5bc83709ca4103250cf:de5225a7]
Hathor Explorer

Cathor 9 Lives Special NFT
Exclusive special edition Cathor 9 Lives collectors set cover card. Released to 9 Lives full set holders who registered and validated in February 2022 as an airdropped extra to the 9 Lives NFT set below.
- Edition: 15 Pieces
- Release: February 2022
- Price: Exclusive airdrop to registered 9 Lives full set holders
- Explorer: See string below
Unique configuration string:
[Cathor 9 Lives Special:9LVSX:000015e3cd69a679a4251f8a7c777f2ac689656292d0733120903dc89ec05d33:77a291d4]
Hathor Explorer

Cathor 9 Lives NFTs
- Edition: 900 pieces in total, see graphic for rarity breakdown
- Release: September 2021
- Price: 100 HTR for a set of 3 random NFTs
- Explorer: See strings below
Unique configuration strings:
[Cathor / 9 Lives 01:9LVS1:000000008067067734dff7a3d271896c90cb18c35068baca5a2ce2136cbb4717:2984ed1f]
Hathor Explorer -
[Cathor / 9 Lives 02:9LVS2:00000000d47da2bd11e4050c5d2ebe33d06372f0c6bf0a8107aaa4545b5acdb9:6d9c8a57]
Hathor Explorer -
[Cathor / 9 Lives 03:9LVS3:000000002a726e85b1bba1a6d66bcf95260ae5a9b1b6dc240c900e77a74349ee:eb36a8b9]
Hathor Explorer -
[Cathor / 9 Lives 04:9LVS4:000000007147d3482659d21774281147c3160e7b3e53ed250e92d4fec0d6f393:18e9cb21]
Hathor Explorer -
[Cathor / 9 Lives 05:9LVS5:000000000cc0a2d1f390e2141c9f3821fc76fe6db555c165fca04c842f7cefb9:1ac9f126]
Hathor Explorer -
[Cathor / 9 Lives 06:9LVS6:000000008203f2568cd03ab2bae52971043dc7e54421cbb94613e5fff96bdf33:b92d5d7a]
Hathor Explorer -
[Cathor / 9 Lives 07:9LVS7:00000000a9bee29e22d089b7301806c67b8c361ea85dc1e879209f403f0bc50f:b807b3b8]
Hathor Explorer -
[Cathor / 9 Lives 08:9LVS8:00000000cc0f132e7fce0fb12f3221826e7092cee14b5e578e1810638a121f0f:9a4fd78d]
Hathor Explorer -
[Cathor / 9 Lives 09:9LVS9:00000000f4ad005dbaa8a6fe6e4a99e45ad636314b4ef13abce2dece61603c6b:79c0adc1]
Hathor Explorer

First Official Cathor NFT
- Edition: 100 Pieces
- Release: August 2021
- Reward for locking 30 CTHOR for 3 months
- Link to the NFT (Hathor Explorer)
Unique configuration string:
[First Official Cathor NFT:THPSG:00000000f18cc6241c7076aa26cfc78771a191e5d615f5c06451fe06c563bbc3:b512cb6a]
Hathor Explorer